Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Today I read a post by Jeff Utech about integrating versus embedding technology into our learning environments. He talked about how integrating technology is like fitting pieces of a puzzle together; some pieces fit, others don't.

This relates to the classroom because we too are integrating technology into the classroom. We are learning how to use the computers to help us in our learning environment. Our class is learning how to make personal learning networks and personal journeys. The computer in the classroom is becoming, well, personal. We are slowly embedding technology into our classroom. The laptops and how to use them is becoming a really important part of just about every English class.

This relates to the world because we aren't the only school working to embed technology in our learning environments. All around the world, schools are working to make more technologically advanced classrooms. Laptops and other such devices are becoming more and more common in classrooms. Books are being replaced with laptops and websites containing the required reading.

It is amazing to me that our world is becoming so advanced that we have the privilege to use laptops and web cams in our classrooms.

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