Wednesday, September 12, 2007

PLN-Week 1-1

Today, I read an article from Denver post about a skeleton found near a Cherry Creek Bike trail. The skeleton is so worn away that they are having troubles identifying it. Because the skeleton was found under such strange circumstances, police are not ruling out foul play. The skeleton's identity and story will remain a mystery until such time when it can be identified.

What really mattered to me from this story was the mystery that went along with the skeleton. We may never know who this person was, or what caused their untimely death. We may never know what they were doing on the path that day, or if there is a family out there, missing them.

This article connects to class because, like many of the stories we read in class, we are never really sure about what happens at the end. In Lady and the Tiger, we never find out what happens to the youth. In Scarlet Ibis, we never learn how Doodle really died, or what happened to his family after his death. These stories are similar to the article because of the mystery that hangs around the ending. We know nothing about the skeleton that was found, or what brought its end. We can only assume things, much like we can only guess the ending of the short stories we read in class.

This article relates to the world around us because, everywhere, people go missing, and nobody really notices. The skeleton was severely decomposed, so the person we found must have been missing for quite some time. However, no reports were made about a missing person, so we have no one to link the skeleton to. All around the world, people go missing for weeks, and even months, but rarely is there ever concern. It is always assumed the have moved or gone on a cruise. Perhaps the skeleton we found was like so many that go missing. Maybe this person went out on the trail, and when they didn't comeback, maybe everyone assumed they had run off and gone on an early vacation.

This article really touched me, so many people go missing a year, and it is sad that so many of them aren't recovered until it is too late. Perhaps we will find the identity of this person. Unfortunately, because we don't even have a missing person to link it to, we may never even discover the gender of this skeleton.

1 comment:

annes said...

Averee- this is an excellent entry. You did a wonderful job summarizing the article, relating it to yourself as well as class and the world around us. Try linking to the article. Well done!