Wednesday, October 17, 2007

PLN 11

AIDS has always been a threat. We have no medication for it, no vaccine, just the hope that we ourselves don't catch it. We think AIDS is a problem in the U.S., but in South Africa 'losing Aids battle' , it states that in Africa, somewhere between 30% and 50% of the population in Africa have been infected with HIV/AIDS. We don’t really see how deadly something really is until we have either experienced it ourselves, or lost someone to it. To most of us, AIDS seems like a problem to other countries, but a great deal of us never stop to think about how AIDS could affect us in the U.S.

This article really touched me. I did a lot of research on AIDS and I can't begin to imagine how hard it is to find out you have it. Because of the number of people who are affected with AIDS, the number of AIDS orphans has risen to 1.5 million. I had never thought that so many people could die from one disease. I always thought; if you don’t want to catch it, don’t sleep with someone who has it. Now I realize that it isn’t quite that simple. The disease itself takes years to run its course. Some people live for several years not knowing that they have caught AIDS. AIDS breaks down your immune system so small things like a cold can turn into Tuberculosis.

South Africa 'losing Aids battle' Affects the world for many of the same reasons, but also many more. No one ever really stops to think about how many people are really dying from this disease. Most of us prefer not to think about it at all, AIDS and the thought that so many people are affected by it scares us. AIDS is killing people all over the world, and orphaning twice as many. Our scientists sped all day working to find a cure for this disease that has orphaned so many, and ruined the lives of over 1.5 million people.

AIDS affects each and every person living on earth. Some are afraid to pass it on to their children, some have died from it, and the rest of us can only hope that they find a cure, and that we can save children in Africa from ever having to face losing a parent to it.

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