Sunday, October 21, 2007

PLN 12

Technology is slowly becoming more and more common in classrooms. Things like web cams, laptops, and wiki pages are now regular learning tool in many schools. In Wikified Personal Philosophy Statements, Mr. Fisch talks about incorporating personal wiki pages in classrooms.

This article relates to our classroom because we too are using wiki pages in our class. Kristen Kakos' class is using wiki to relate to their readings and in-class activities.

In my American Literature classes, my students each formed a personal
philosophy statement that will form the focus for the semester, and
perhaps even for the year. Many of their philosophy statements explore the
root of evil, the impetus for rebellion and/or obedience, the destructive
force of fear, the significance of vulnerability, and other concepts that
emerge from early American literature.

Our class is using wiki pages to learn and teach more about the book Inherit The Wind. The wiki pages are to help us understand more about the Butler Act, and to learn that Charles Darwin was did not just come up with his Theory of Evolution because he didn't want to believe that there is a god. Like Mrs. Kakos' class, we are using wiki pages to personalize our learning environments.

Wikified Personal Philosophy Statements relates to the world because technology is slowly embedding itself into classrooms all over the world. Wiki pages can be used, not only in our English classes, but in other classes as well. All over the world, wiki pages can be used in science, English, and social studies classes, not only to help students learn, but also to help personalize learning environments. Like Mr. Fisch I like what Mrs. Kakos writes on her blog:
I like using wiki spaces because the technology doesn't get in the way; a
wiki space is essentially a 21st century folder that allows for almost any type
of media, emphasizes professionalism, encourages feedback, and lasts as long as
you want it to, unlike a notebook that you clear out at the end of each
semester. We'll keep coming back to the wiki spaces throughout the semester and
adding to them, and hopefully by the end of the semester they'll be able to look
over their work and their ideas say, "THIS is the little piece of my soul that
grew in American Literature," whether they focused on hope, goodness, evil, or
any other personal topic that found its way out of a seemingly boring Puritan
I had never thought that wiki pages could ever be useful in a classroom, but after our Inherit The Wind wikis, I realize that wiki pages are so helpful in a classroom. We can personalize our learning in a way that is fun and interesting, but the necessary material is still being learned.


adama said...

Good job but I think that you need to make more eye contact and a little less on your note cards.

alexe said...

Averee, good job on making eye contact and stating your point, next time try and speeking up a little more. Besides that awsome job.

Anna K said...

Averee, you did a very good job! Next time, try to speak up a little and make more eye contact. Other then that, good job!

ethan l said...

You did a really good presentation, you were kind of quiet but you made really good connections and points.

samh said...

Averee, I thought you did a very good job! You were very clear and you did an awesome job summarizing you work and it was very easy to follow you. One thing to work on is a little bit more eye contact and speak up. It was kind of hard to hear you.

Jackie N said...

Averee, you did great on explaining your thoughts on your articles and talking very smoothly. Great job!!!!

seanb said...

Averee, you did a good job presenting. Your voice wasnt very clear and you didnt look at your audience at all. Other then that good job.

angelicao said...

You need to look at the audience more. But you spoke loud and clear and did a very good at explaining all of your PLN entries. Sometimes you slurred your words. You had a very good question. Good job!

joeyw said...

Averee i thought you did a great job of summarizing your PLN's and had really good eye contact.

DennisRocks said...
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mmg said...

Averee, I thought that you picked good articles to talk about. During your presentation you did a good job and I thought you did a really good job keeping eye contact.

alenav said...

Averee, you spoke really clear, but maybe talk a little louder and slower. You had good comparisons for you PLN's. I agree with you that You Tube shouldn't be blocked. Good Job!

DennisRocks said...

Good job averee, you did a great job with your presentation, but next time, speek up. I couldn't really hear you sometimes. Other than that minor, you did an amazing job.

Xavia H2011 said...

Just looking through your blogs, you can tell that they are very well thought out. Your presentation was very good and you did a good job speaking and making eye contact. Your question was very good and I think they don't have to but the students need to be responsible. Great Job!

laurenp said...

You did a great job with your presentation, and with explaining and describing your entires. I also likes the topics that you talked about,so great job.

carterw said...

Averee, Nice presintation, you gave great examples to support your opinions and you keeped the audience listining the whole time. Great job!!

kellyS said...

You talked clearly and I could tell that you put a lot of effort into your presentation and came prepared. Try looking up and not rely so much on your notes. I really enjoyed your views on these PLNs escpecially on filters. Great Job!

laurene said...

Averee! I think you did a really good job! Your articles were very detailed. I think that you should try speaking a little louder but you did make a lot of good eye contact. Other then that good job!

annies said...

Averee! I agree with you about the filter thing. I don't think Youtube should be blocked because a lot of my teachers show us things that tie in to our class and they can't unless they know the code. And while they're typing in the code, it takes away class time. Otherwise good job!

seand said...

Avree, good job talking about your articles and saying how they relate to your life. You brought up a good question that most people feel pretty stongly about.