Tuesday, April 15, 2008

PLN 10

Child molesting is one of man's greatest monstrosities in many opinions. Taking a child and distorting their image of a person they trust in such a vile way is disgusting. Many lawmakers even proposed giving sex offenders the death penalty. In the Denver Post's Junction police: Wife taped man assaulting girl talks about one woman who took the law into her own hands when she suspected her husband of molesting her 6 year-old daughter. Although the article was painfully short, it explained how one woman in Grand Junction caught her husband committing "suspicious activity" with his step-daughter.

This article matters to me for two reasons. For those of you who don't go to my school, or don't read the paper, our school newspaper recently released an article talking about one student who was sexually assaulted by her father when she was 8 years-old. Also, when a close friend of mine was very young, her step-father attacked her. I won't go into specific details about my friend, but it scarred her. In both the case of the student at my school, and my friend, they were and in my friends case still are haunted by what happened, even after so many years. After reading this article, I couldn't help but sit back in my chair and wonder "what goes through these creeps minds when they attack innocent children?" Pardon me if that sounds a little harsh, but I can't imagine taking advantage of a child, especially your child like that.

This article matters to the world because of the fact that the man was set free with $25,000bail. This man, who's name is not revealed for the sake of the victim has already been charged with 11 to 12 other accounts of sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust. Even though the woman caught everything on tape, and even though the man is a repeat offender, they still let him go. He has hurt other children, traumatized, and attacked them, and yet judges are content to let him wander free? I can't imagine letting such a monster back onto the streets. I don't see how they could let him go after such clear evidence, and I suppose I will never understand what was running through the judge's mind when he released the man. All I know is that men like him are still out there, and sadly, even though a woman recorded her husband in the act, yet another predator has been released back into the ranks.

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