Sunday, November 4, 2007


Every year, hundreds of babies find homes through Adoption Options of Aurora. Juliana was one such baby. She like so many others was adopted by a loving family after six months of parenting classes and being monitored. The birth mother has the final say in the adoption match, and luckily for Juliana and 21 other babies, the mothers were willing to let 21 couples take home their children. In Happy families grow by 44 feet by Betsy Lehndorff, in the Rocky Mountain News the idea of a growing, happy family is focused upon.

This article and everything it stands for really touched me. The idea that little babies like Juliana can find loving homes through Adoption Options of Aurora is really amazing. After reading about one boy named Micheal Tate, who after 19 years of foster home to foster home, attacked and killed a man due to psychological problems, it is comforting to know that so many more children are adopted into loving homes.

Happy families grow by 44 feet relates to the world in so many ways. I talked about abortion in my last PLN, and I believe that agencies like Adoption Options of Aurora are excellent alternatives to abortion. Thousands of babies are put up for adoption every year, most of which are taken into loving, healthy homes.

Happy Families really do grow, and it touches my heart that so many of those happy families are willing to let a new baby into their lives.

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