Sunday, November 4, 2007


Having a fire alarm in the house boosts your odds of suriving in a fire by 51 percent. One 70 year old woman by the name of Debbie Hopewell was unaware of the fact that the deadliest fires occure in our sleep. In Barking dog dies in fire after saving elderly owner, the Rocky Mountain News talks about how one dog died warning Mrs. Hopewell of the deadly fire that had erupted in her kitchen.

This article really relates to me. I had always assumed that everyone had at least one fire alarm in their house. Now I realize that some people are not so safe in their homes. The german sheperd mix that died saving his owner's life reminded me of my own dog. 6 years ago, on the 4th of July, some neighbors were firing fireworks. One of the firecrackers landed in my yard and a fire started. If my dog hadn't started barking, the fire would have continued to burn up my lawn and probably destroyed my house. This article really made me remember how grateful we have to be for our petsat times, especially when we are in positions like Debbie Hopewell.

Barking dog dies in fire after saving elderly owner affects the world, though maybe as not as much as it affected me. Fire alarms are so important to our safety and it frightens me that there are people out there that do not have that comfort. Fire alarms help insure our safety, but so do the animals we keep in our homes.

After reading this article, I can't help but think, "thank goodness for the creation of fire alarms, but thank the Lord for the creation of dogs!"

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