Wednesday, November 7, 2007


We all play with technology, in one way or another. Whether its when we make a kick-butt video for our friend's birthday, or when we create a power point for class; we are always cutting and pasting something. In Playing with Culture by Dave Warlick, the idea of cutting and pasting to play with our culture is focused upon.

I watched a lot of television when I was growing up. It was the golden age
of TV, when we told our stories in new ways, broadcasting them as culture to
wide ranging communities. I spent much of my childhood playing these
stories. I would watch Errol Flynn play Robin Hood on our Zenith black and white, and then go directly to my fathers woodworking shop in the basement to find scrap wood and nails fashion it into a sword. I’d spend hours pretending to be the bandit knight of Sherwood Forest — playing the story, playing with my culture.

This article really relates to the world around us. Every where, people, much like Dave's son, use movies like The 300 to make movies, and smaller clips. Even in our own class, we use other people's works to create our wikis, and our blogs. As Dave said, we are playing with our culture. We are using our technology to create new things, to create the amazing videos we view on YouTube, to photo shop the pictures we use on cards and send to our friends.

In many ways, this article really relates to me as well. I can't use videos on my computer, (unfortunately, my technological skills as far as my camera go are....lacking) but I can use photo shop to make funny pictures and covers for the books all of my friends write. I can cut pictures from my favorite movies and send them to my friends when their a little bored.

We all play with our culture, in one way or another. The examples Dave brings up in his post are excellent proof of this, and I really suggest reading Dave's post Playing with Culture if "playing" is something your really interested in.

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