Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Every year, veterans take time out of their day to day to come and talk to students like myself about their experiences in war. Every year veterans open up to high school and middle school students, and tell them what it was like to be in the war, and how it feels to watch people around you die. Every year, there are students who come out of it, not even taking in what they have just heard, not even caring. WWII veteran Gen. Jim Hart talks about his struggles with talking about his war past with students in Vets will share their stories with students.

This article relates to the world because every where, not just in our state, veterans share with students. They don't do this to entertain us, or to make us cry, veterans do what they do so that we can learn, and so that we can understand. Many veterans out there feel the same way Hart feels, that students don't really understand, and that many of them, wont really get any thing out of it.

I am not as bad as many teens my age who "aren't sure whether we fought with or against the Germans..." I know which side we fought for, and why we fought. I learn it every year, as do many students, but we never really seem to take it in. I was excited to hear the point of view of so many officers this past Friday, whether they were veterans, or still active duty. Many of my family members fought in the war, but none ever talked to me about it, so I never understood the feelings of the people who were actually there.

I know many of my fellow class mates got nothing out of the officers' speeches, but many of us did. Yes, there are students who don't care, and will never learn to, but the wars our country have been through; and the one we currently face are important. Though Gen. Jim Hart may feel his stomach lurch every time he as to talk to teens about the war, I feel honored that men and women like him are willing to speak out and teach us about the war we face, and the ones we only ever hear about in our text books.

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