Tuesday, May 6, 2008

PLN 15

Today as I scanned through Mr. Holman's blog, I saw a post that really stuck out to me. math in life talks about how the math we learn may not be the best way to prepare us for the real world. I posted on Holman's blog and here is what I said:

Mr. Holman,
I really agree with what you talked about in this post. So many times, I myself start thinking about how pi is ever going to come up in my life. A lot of students question the importance of the things we learn in math, and your right, its time to teach what we need to learn. Most of us wont grow up and find a career where the type of math we are currently learning is useful. In our futures, we are probably going to see a lot more of taxes and bills, and a lot less of the Pythagorean theorem. Students need to be taught how to function in the real world. As you stated, we need to be taught about mortgages, interest, and other challenges that we will face during and after college. I will admit, learning about tangents and cosines makes me feel infinitely smarter, but its time to learn something that will make me truly successful in life.


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