Tuesday, May 6, 2008

PLN 17

As I scrolled, once more through my Algebra teacher's blog, I found a post that interested me. student focus talks about how in his Algebra II class, Mr. Holman discovered that his students seem to do better in class when they listen to music. I was delighted to hear this, so I decided to post on his blog.

Mr. Holman,
Music is a big part of my life. As a teen, I listen to it; a lot. It’s relaxing, beautiful, and an escape from the stresses of daily life. I often listen to my music while I am doing homework, and when given the chance, I listen to it during school. I relax. The noise of the other students is wiped out, and I am in my own little world, ready to do my work without interruptions. It’s great to hear that your students take to it like I do. My sister is a psych major, and she has often told me that things like music can even help students retain what they learn. We sit during tests, and instead of remembering a jumble of words that make no sense; we remember our lesson from last week, which we put to words in our head. We hear the music, which helps us hear the words. Teachers always assume that music is a distraction, however, like you discovered, students succeed when they listen to music. It is wonderful to know that music is slowly working its way into our classrooms. Perhaps, with time, it will spread, and even more students will have the chance to use music to succeed in school.

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